What charities can I support through the CanadaHelps site?
As a public foundation, CanadaHelps has access to all Canadian charities registered with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Each charity gets a profile page on our site. We update our list on a regular basis, so we’re adding new organizations as they earn their charitable status and removing any which no longer exist.
On occasion, charities will ask not to be listed on CanadaHelps’ website. Often this is because the charity is no longer accepting donations or has a separate foundation for fundraising. We honour these requests when they are received and they are promptly removed from our site.
CanadaHelps does not accept donations for/on behalf of individuals in need or non-profits which are not registered charities. For that same reason, charities outside of Canada are not represented. If you’d like to support charities outside of Canada, here are some other organizations which may be able to help:
To support a charity registered in the US, visit Network for Good.
To support a charity registered in the UK, visit Charities Aid Foundation.
Remember that donations made to foreign charities may not be eligible for a tax deduction in Canada. For more information, refer to the Canada Revenue Agency’s website.