Donation Errors

If you are seeing an error when trying to submit a donation, it may be related to a browser issue. Please try these steps below to troubleshoot issue:

  1. Ensure your browser is up to date (check browser settings for this). We recommend using either Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
  2. Try clearing Browser Cache & Cookies (through the “History” tab in browser), then reload the donation page and attempt the donation again.
  3. If the above browser related troubleshooting steps doesn’t resolve the error, please double check your payment details have been entered correctly. If they are, try a different payment method.

If you are still receiving an error after these steps, you can report the error to our Support Team. Please include the following information in your report so we can assist you the best way possible:

  • The error code number
  • URL (website link) you attempted donation on
  • Date & time of your attempt
  • What payment method you were trying to use
  • Do you have a Donor Account with us? Were you logged into this account at the time of the attempt?

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