Why does my account say that I have donations not on a receipt? How do I get receipts for these donations?

If the “Donations & Receipts” section of your account indicates that some of your donations have not yet been receipted, it means that the donations have been recorded under your account, but are set to be compiled into an aggregate tax receipt at the end of the year (this happens automatically; no action is required on your part at the end of the year). However, it’s also possible for you to manually generate your receipt right away should you need it for any reason.

To manually generate your tax receipt for donations made so far, please click on the “Generate a receipt” link. The page will then refresh, and your receipt will be ready for download.

Please note that this will only create a receipt for donations that do not yet have a tax receipt. Any other receipts will remain in your account to be downloaded at any time. It is not possible to combine or separate tax receipts after they have been generated.

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