Can I purchase tickets and/or donate to an event from outside of Canada?

Yes, you can purchase tickets and/or donate to an event from outside of Canada as long as you are using a supported payment method. All ticket prices and donations are in Canadian dollars. If your credit card was issued outside of Canada, your credit card statement will show the value of your donation converted to […]

Why did I not receive a tax receipt for my Event Ticket purchase? Or, why is my tax receipt for a lesser amount than the Ticket price I paid?

Not all charitable event tickets are eligible for full, or even a partial, receipt. The Canada Revenue Agency sets rules charities must follow when issuing charitable tax receipts. For those ticketed events that are eligible for a tax receipt, to decide the amount eligible for a charitable tax receipt, charities must calculate the “advantage” the purchaser received […]

Where do I find my tax receipt for the Event Ticket I purchased?

Your charitable tax receipt (if applicable) will be sent to you by email. If you need another copy, please contact the charity organizing the event. Please note: For some events, the charity can calculate the amount of the ticket price eligible for a charitable tax receipt prior to the event. In these cases, you’ll receive […]

How do I join an existing team or join as an individual participant?

If the charity has made the campaign open to the public and allowed for individual fundraisers, there’ll be a “Join as an Individual” button on the main charity campaign page:   Or, if the Team Captain has made their team open to the public, there’ll be a ‘Join this Team’ button on the Team Page.   Once […]

Where can I go to view/edit my participant page?

Once you’ve created your team member or individual fundraising page, you can manage your page and donations through your CanadaHelps account. 1. Login to your donor account. 2. Click on the ‘Fundraising Pages’ tab and then on the ‘Edit’ button beside your page name.   3. Use the four main tabs to edit your fundraising […]

How do I share my fundraising page?

There are two really easy ways to share your team member/individual fundraising page. 1. Login to your donor account. 2. Click on the ‘Fundraising Pages’ tab and then on ‘Edit’. 3. Share your page’s Short URL in an email and on Social Media to bring family and friends to your page directly. 4. Use the […]

Can I create a team and invite others to fundraise as part of my team?

If the charity has made the campaign open to the public, there’ll be a “Create Team” button on the main charity campaign page:   Once clicked, you can sign up to create your Team fundraising page and your own Team Captain fundraising page. It’s easy and will only take a few minutes. Once complete, you can […]