If you are seeing this error codes then follow these steps: Ensure that your payment details have been entered correctly. If they are, try a different payment method. Ensure your browser is up to date (Check browser settings for this). We recommend using either Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Try clearing Browser Cache & Cookies […]

What is the difference between ether and Ethereum?

Ethereum is a blockchain platform. Ether is the cryptocurrency that is used on the Ethereum blockchain. For example, to purchase an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain you need ether. CanadaHelps accepts cryptocurrency donations in ether or bitcoin.

Does CanadaHelps safeguard against the possible use of cryptocurrency donations for fraudulent purposes?

Yes. Our process is inclusive of an automatic check against global and local compliance lists to identify and prevent cryptocurrency transactions from frozen or suspicious accounts. In addition, CanadaHelps performs additional due diligence if any atypical information is detected related to the donation amount, donor information and/or the recipient charity. Since the beneficiaries of cryptocurrency […]